Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What is the most used web browser and operating system

Its been quite some time since I have come up with a post as I have been busy researching a lot of different blogs/website activities and analytics for SEO. For some reason I suddenly became curious if it was worth the time spending for designing a website which is compatible with all kinds of browsers including mobile phone based browsers. So I went into one of my blogs that I have been working for about few months now and here are the statistics.

Well that seem to give you the information you needed. I have also noticed that the top 3 browsers have been changing in ranks in different blogs and websites though it has been a tough competition between those. Please note that the image shown above is taken from the same blog and just belongs to two different set of time periods(top picture- longer period and bottom picture-shorter period). While looking into mobile phone browsers I noticed that there has been a rapid increase in user base who search from mobile phones which shows the growing trend towards mobile browsing.
When looking into the operating system, windows seems to be still dominant over others. And the results have been similar in other blogs as well.
Hope that gave you a hint on how to prioritize and proceed with your design optimization for browsers and cross compatibility.

Please share your comments and views on the same.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How important is it to make a mobile phone optimized website?

After being held with a lot of work and travel over the past few days i decided to put down a post today at any cost on the amazing growth of a blog that i created using blogger which has sent me some amazing free traffic. I had a lot of traffic coming from mobile phones as blogger has the ability to detect and change itself into mobile friendly version of the website when activated. A mobile phone optimised website has more chances to rank higher in a mobile search engine than a website that is not mobile phone optimised.

 For wordpress websites, there are a lot of plugins that can help you optimize a mobile friendly website within few minutes. So don't miss the free flow of traffic you could get from mobile phones for just not installing or creating a mobile friendly website.

A recent news about google's strategy/approach towards the industry seems to be more concentrated on Mobile. Eric Schmidt had also summed it up with a new motto stating "Mobile First" which shows the growing users of mobile technology and the trend being set. 

It is most beneficial for companies to adopt a mobile friendly website now as the competition is much lesser and the probability of gaining ranks in mobile search engines for different keywords are higher now.
 So for those of you who are really serious about ranking high and gaining more visitors, mobile phone optimisation of the website is a must.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

3 simple strategy to adopt when you plan to open a website business portal

Website design and Development have become huge target for young entrepreneurs due to the growing demand of consumers. Just in case, you are one among them then here are 3 basic strategy you need to keep in mind before you decide to go ahead.

1. Vision: Just like every business, you need to have a vision of where you want this business to be in few years. Without a proper vision, you will end up failing. It is also really important to convey this to your programmers and designers at the very early stages so that they would be able to plan the basic structure and layout of your future vision endeavours from the very beginning.

2. Time and Money: This could also be said as "Time is Money". Make sure you have enough time and money to create and organise your business over a period. Most of them fail in this stage because as the project keeps delaying, cost increases which goes beyond their expectations. Some simple steps that could be adopted here can be creating deadlines for each and every task and set a goal towards completion well before the launch date. If there are no goals and target set to employees, then most probably you are going to end up not getting exactly what you wanted from the employee before the launch.

3. Wondering what would be my third point?? "Consistency and Persevarance" over a period of time. Most business do not just get successful overnight and most entrepreneurs think they will be among the least who get successful very quick. And when they don't get that success they tend to drop their ideas and vision they had in the very beginning. It is really important you stay focused over a period of time and find if the business has been  useful or been able to generate some revenue. If the business has been attracting a lot of interest, then chances are you have to focus even more and keep going. So it is really important that you initially make your strategy towards running a consistent business over a period of time and be prepared towards doing it.

There are a lot of other factors too, but if you aren't prepared with this basics then better don't try it and waste your time on it.
Please add your comments on what else you consider as a strategy to be thought when starting up a web business portal.

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