Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What is the most used web browser and operating system

Its been quite some time since I have come up with a post as I have been busy researching a lot of different blogs/website activities and analytics for SEO. For some reason I suddenly became curious if it was worth the time spending for designing a website which is compatible with all kinds of browsers including mobile phone based browsers. So I went into one of my blogs that I have been working for about few months now and here are the statistics.

Well that seem to give you the information you needed. I have also noticed that the top 3 browsers have been changing in ranks in different blogs and websites though it has been a tough competition between those. Please note that the image shown above is taken from the same blog and just belongs to two different set of time periods(top picture- longer period and bottom picture-shorter period). While looking into mobile phone browsers I noticed that there has been a rapid increase in user base who search from mobile phones which shows the growing trend towards mobile browsing.
When looking into the operating system, windows seems to be still dominant over others. And the results have been similar in other blogs as well.
Hope that gave you a hint on how to prioritize and proceed with your design optimization for browsers and cross compatibility.

Please share your comments and views on the same.

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